Here is my DT submission for this weeks challenge at Stamptacular Sunday Challenge blog. The challenge this week was to create anything but a card, so I felt the time was right to try out my PINK Bind It All machine:) I actually bought it on the fear at Scraporama earlier this year, but haven't gotten around to test the wonder before now.. Now that I know how it works there will be more creative products in this range in the near future;) I've used some gorgous papers from Maja Design and this dreamy little Tilda just had to be on the cover!

Jeg har klipt Tilda ut og satt henne på 3d puter.
I've cut Tilda out and 3d cushioned her.

Noen detaljer...
Some details...
Some details...

Innsiden: På innsiden av permen har jeg tenkt å sette inn en personlig hilsen til mottakeren. Permen på baksiden ser likedan ut og kan også gjøres mer personlig.
The inside: On the inside of the cover I'm gonna put a personal greeting to the recipient, therefore it's empty at the moment. The cover on the back looks the same and can also be made more personal.
The inside: On the inside of the cover I'm gonna put a personal greeting to the recipient, therefore it's empty at the moment. The cover on the back looks the same and can also be made more personal.

Har laget denne labelen med et stempel fra hÄnglar & stÄnglar, deretter brukt rubons bokstaver fra Doodlebug til å skrive ordet "tilhører".
I've made this label using a stamp from hanglar, then I've written the word "tilhører" which means "This belongs to" with rubon letters from Doodlebug.
I've made this label using a stamp from hanglar, then I've written the word "tilhører" which means "This belongs to" with rubon letters from Doodlebug.

Baksiden: Her har jeg brukt samme layout som på framsiden, bare charmen er annerledes. Her henger det et hjerte som sier "made with love".
The back: I've used the same layout as the front, the only thing different is the heart charm that says "made with love".
CS: Bazzill
DP: Maja Design
Stamps: Magnolia, Norsk Stempelblad, hÄnglar & stÄnglar
Accessories: ribbon from All that scraps, charms from Hobbyhimmelen and Lenes Hobbyshop, flowers from Papirgleder, lace and pearls from Kort og Godt, Fiskars Heart Border punch, rubons from Doodlebug, sticles from Ranger.
Takk for at du besøker bloggen min og velkommen igjen!
Thank you for visiting my blog and welcome back!
The back: I've used the same layout as the front, the only thing different is the heart charm that says "made with love".

CS: Bazzill
DP: Maja Design
Stamps: Magnolia, Norsk Stempelblad, hÄnglar & stÄnglar
Accessories: ribbon from All that scraps, charms from Hobbyhimmelen and Lenes Hobbyshop, flowers from Papirgleder, lace and pearls from Kort og Godt, Fiskars Heart Border punch, rubons from Doodlebug, sticles from Ranger.
Takk for at du besøker bloggen min og velkommen igjen!
Thank you for visiting my blog and welcome back!
7 kommentarer:
absolutely beautiful - gorgeous details
Kjempefin bok! Du lager så mye fint, synes kortene dine er så flotte siden du dekorerer alle sidene. Her er mye insiprasjon og hente, takk.
Line this is so adorable. You have done such a beautiful job. Your attention to detail is amazing. You even finished the back. Like you I purchased the binding machine a couple years back and just figured it out! Now I can't put it away!
This is truly adorable, I love the way you've brought it all together,so special,
Hugs Liz x
This is so gorgeous! You always add the best details.
Amazing notebook Line ;0)
Love the stamp you used!
Janneke X
Line this is just fantastic! You made a beautiful notebook, great idea! Thanks for entering and sharing your talent with us at the ROP Challenge and good luck!
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